PT. Indonesia Nippon Seiki

igu-award-adm | Mai 16, 2024

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Datum: 2024-05-16 06:48:01
  • Firma: PT. Indonesia Nippon Seiki
  • Ansprechpartner: Mr. Ebin Ebin
  • E-Mail:
  • Anschrift: Jl. Utama Modern Industri Blok.E – Kawasan Industri Modern Cikande, Desa Barengkok, Kec. Kibin, Serang Banten , 42186 Serang
  • Telefon: +62 813-8040-4297
  • Land: Indonesia
  • Awareness:
  • Other
Application description of the installation
The conduction process is carried out by manpower with a vital process of only carrying out the rotary inspection process with the trigger of the machine judgment results so that there is potential for the process to be optimized with automation so that it can be more effective and efficient.
Problem definition
Reason for Automation Improvement
1.The Cycle time condition of the conduction inspection process is still below and the lowest done by manpower
2.Automation improvement opportunities exist
A. Replacement of Jig with Machine
b. Handling change of manual marking with Automation with judgment machine operation system.
How were processes optimized/costs saved/increased efficiency with automation?
1. Increase productivity 10% according to work plan (before c/h/m = 68.9pcs Target 86.1pcs)
2.Manpower efficiency from 10 people → 8 people (2 people/shift)
3.Total Manpower Efficiency 5line as much as 10 people
4.Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of coundaction inspection
5.Target Cycle time is not more than pich time process (<6.5sec)
Products from igus used
  • SCARA robot
  • Estimated return on investment
  • 24 plus months
  • How did you hear about the ROIBOT competition?
  • Other
  • Bilder




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    Für den ROIBOT Award 2022 suchten wir clevere Low-Cost-Robotics Anwendungen basierend auf igus® Komponenten mit einer schnellen Amortisationszeit. Wir danken allen Teilnehmern für die zahlreichen Einsendungen!