Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

igu-award-adm | April 30, 2022

Application description of the installation
This is a proposal for the food allotment using a delta robot. The requirement of motion is to grab the eastern food, such as cooked meat, stir-fry vegetable, curried food and so on from the large containers to each food tray. The amount of grab should be precise and variable depending on the order. This proposal combines the integration with machine vision and robotics.
Problem definition
The shortage of labor in the hospital has been notified and sought for solutions. Because working in the environment is always with high risks of exposures to infections. One of the emerging situation is that the staffs in the center kitchen leave their position very often. The primary duty is allotting food with the exact amount of the restrained recipe before the food tray is inspected by the nutritionists. A case study of one major hospital in Taiwan shows that they need six staffs for the food allotment and delivery. However, they often face the leave of staffs and need to recruit new members for training. Therefore, automation with aids of robotics is desired.
How were processes optimized/costs saved/increased efficiency with automation?
The proposal can bring the following advantages with the aid of automation:
1. To fulfill the shortage of labors usage and continuous work.
2. To easily maintain the hygienic conditions and eliminate the contamination by human.
3. There is less work for schedule and change the shift. Normally, the food allotment is required for three times a day including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
4. Integration with the IoT and automation can be more precise and efficient. With the aid of Artificial Intelligent, it may be able to prompt precision nutrition in the hospital as well.
Products from igus used
  • Other
  • Estimated return on investment
  • Estimated cost savings € 15000
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    Für den ROIBOT Award 2022 suchten wir clevere Low-Cost-Robotics Anwendungen basierend auf igus® Komponenten mit einer schnellen Amortisationszeit. Wir danken allen Teilnehmern für die zahlreichen Einsendungen!