Award ID: 21280 Company: MTK Comercial Ltda

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Datum: 2024-05-07 19:33:44
  • Firma: MTK Comercial Ltda
  • Ansprechpartner: Herr Marco Tealdo
  • E-Mail:
  • Anschrift: Cerro el Altar 4080, 2340000 Valparaiso
  • Telefon: 993593153
  • Land: Chile
  • Awareness:
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Applikationsbeschreibung der Anlage
Automate the selection of lemons on a conveyor belt, which must be selected by color and size. We must deliver the lemons that are harvested in the field and dispatch them to the sales channels according to the color and size.
Currently, the selection of lemons is manual, which is slow and expensive, with a very variable selection criterion, which generates inefficiencies. The problem to be solved would be automated robotic selection.
Wie wurden mit Automatisierung Prozesse optimiert/Kosten eingespart/Effizienz gesteigert?
Yes, without a doubt, with automation we hope to reduce costs, times and quality in selection, improving variability in it.
Eingesetzte Produkte von igus
  • Anderes
  • Geschätzter Return on Investment
  • 16-24 Monate
  • Wie sind Sie auf den ROIBOT Wettbewerb aufmerksam geworden?
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