Award ID: 21278 Company: SERVO LLC

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Datum: 2024-04-25 14:24:55
  • Firma: SERVO LLC
  • Ansprechpartner: Mr. Joseph Puzzo
  • E-Mail:
  • Anschrift: 111 Lakewood dr, 3810 Alton Bay
  • Telefon: 6036309814
  • Land: United States of America
  • Awareness:
  • Other
Application description of the installation
The goal is to use the igus rebel to Pour drinks 🙂 via custom open source software.

Problem definition
There is no low cost solution that involves making use of an open source web based software platform. We have changed that by building complete custom control software from scratch to control the igus rebel robot via a web based control and a fully JavaScript backend control software.

See video here

How were processes optimized/costs saved/increased efficiency with automation?
We are able to compare costs of using the OS Rebel for 6k vs a. 36k robot arm. Thats a savings of 30k.
Products from igus used
  • ReBeL – 6 DOF
  • Estimated return on investment
  • 3 to 6 months
  • How did you hear about the ROIBOT competition?
  • Other
  • Bilder


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